Google Maps Reviews API
Our Google Maps Reviews API allows you to scrape reviews from Google Maps. The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?engine=google_maps_reviews
A user may query the following:
utilizing a GET
request. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.
API Parameters
Search Query
Parameter defines the Google Maps data ID. Find the data ID by using our Google Maps API.
Either data_id or place_id should be set.
Parameter defines the language to use for the Google Maps Reviews search. It's a two-letter language code, for example, en
for English (default), es
for Spanish, or fr
for French). Head to the Google languages page for a full list of supported Google languages.
Advanced Google Maps Reviews Parameters
Parameter defines the unique reference to a place on a Google Map. Place IDs are available for most locations, including businesses, landmarks, parks, and intersections. You can find the place_id using our Google Maps API.
You can read more about Place IDs here.
Either data_id or place_id should be set.
Serpapi Parameters
Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the Google Maps Reviews results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false
(default) to allow results from the cache, or true
to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.
Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false
(default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true
to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together. async should not be used on accounts with Ludicrous Speed enabled.
Enterprise only. Parameter enables ZeroTrace mode. It can be set to false
(default) or true
. Enable this mode to skip storing search parameters, search files, and search metadata on our servers. This may make debugging more difficult.
API Results
JSON Results
JSON output includes structured data for place information, topics, and reviews results.
A search status is accessible through search_metadata.status
. It flows this way: Processing
-> Success
|| Error
. If a search has failed, the error
will contain an error message.
is the search ID inside SerpApi.
HTML Results
This API does not have html response, just a text. search_metadata.prettify_html_file
contains prettified version of result. It is displayed in playground.
API Examples
JSON structure overview
// place_info is only served for the first page
"place_info": {
"title": "String - Title of the place",
"address": "String - Address of the place",
"rating": "Float - Rating of the place",
"reviews": "Integer - Number of reviews the place has",
"type": "String - Type of the place"
// topics is only served for the first page
"topics": [
"keyword": "String - Keyword of the topic",
"mentions": "Integer - Number of mentions of the topic",
"id": "String - ID of the topic"
"reviews": [
"link": "String - Link to the review",
"user": {
"name": "String - Name of the user",
"link": "String - Link to the user profile",
"contributor_id": "String - The contributor id of the user, can be used in SerpApi's Google Maps Contributor Reviews API",
"thumbnail": "String - Link to the user profile picture",
"local_guide": "Boolean - Whether the user is a local guide",
"reviews": "Integer - Number of reviews the user has made",
"photos": "Integer - Number of photos the user has uploaded"
"source": "String - Source of the review",
"review_id": "String - ID of the review",
"likes": "Integer - Number of likes the review has",
"rating": "Float - Rating of the review",
"date": "String - Date of the review",
"iso_date": "String - ISO 8601 date of the review",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "String - Date when the user last edited the review. Shown in ISO 8601 format",
"snippet": "String - Snippet of the review (can be a mix of original and translated text)",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "String - Original review snippet",
"translated": "String - Translated review snippet according to the `hl` parameter"
"details": {
"service/criterion e.g. parking, food": "String - Details of the service/criterion"
"translated_details": {
"service/criterion e.g. parking, food": "String - Translated details of the service/criterion (partial)"
"images": "Array - Images of the review",
"response": {
"date": "String - Date of the response",
"iso_date": "String - ISO 8601 date of the response",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "String - Date when the user last edited the response. Shown in ISO 8601 format",
"snippet": "String - Text of the response (can be a mix of original and translated text)",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "String - Original response snippet",
"translated": "String - Translated response snippet according to the `hl` parameter"
Results for: Gregorys Coffee
with hl: fr

"search_metadata": {
"id": "660ce6b615afff591303cffc",
"status": "Success",
"json_endpoint": "",
"created_at": "2024-04-03 05:18:46 UTC",
"processed_at": "2024-04-03 05:18:46 UTC",
"google_maps_reviews_url": ",-73.9890454,17z/data=!4m18!1m9!3m8!1s0x89c259af336b3341:0xa4969e07ce3108de!2sGregorys+Coffee!8m2!3d40.7477283!4d-73.9890454!9m1!1b1!16s%2Fg%2F11xdfwq9f!3m7!1s0x89c259af336b3341:0xa4969e07ce3108de!8m2!3d40.7477283!4d-73.9890454!9m1!1b1!16s%2Fg%2F11xdfwq9f?entry=ttu",
"raw_html_file": "",
"prettify_html_file": "",
"total_time_taken": 1.64
"search_parameters": {
"engine": "google_maps_reviews",
"data_id": "0x89c259af336b3341:0xa4969e07ce3108de",
"hl": "fr"
"place_info": {
"title": "Gregorys Coffee",
"address": "874 6th Ave, New York, NY 10001",
"rating": 4.1,
"reviews": 1210,
"type": "Café"
"topics": [
"keyword": "salle de bain",
"mentions": 20,
"id": "/m/01j2bj"
"keyword": "vegan",
"mentions": 18,
"id": "/m/07_hy"
"keyword": "expresso",
"mentions": 16,
"id": "/m/0ctfk"
"reviews": [
"link": "!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQ5N2Y3N1JnEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0xa4969e07ce3108de!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgID97f77Rg%7CCgsImP_orwYQyI3Zdw%7C?hl=fr",
"rating": 3.0,
"date": "il y a 2 semaines",
"iso_date": "2024-03-20T01:41:10Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2024-03-20T01:41:10Z",
"images": [
"source": "Google",
"review_id": "ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQ5N2Y3N1JnEAE",
"user": {
"name": "Vikki O'Bryan",
"link": "",
"contributor_id": "112841981967952743715",
"thumbnail": "",
"local_guide": true,
"reviews": 129,
"photos": 123
"snippet": "Coffee could have been a little warmer. It was really good but the service was Not. Special menu included a new cherry syrup and another coffee drink was flavored w cinnamon and vanilla but came w oat milk. When we ordered a Chai w the syrup and requested a modification to almond milk the server did everything except verbally sigh. Felt like we were bothering all of the staff. I enjoy buying local buy may look for another shop next time.",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "Coffee could have been a little warmer. It was really good but the service was Not. Special menu included a new cherry syrup and another coffee drink was flavored w cinnamon and vanilla but came w oat milk. When we ordered a Chai w the syrup and requested a modification to almond milk the server did everything except verbally sigh. Felt like we were bothering all of the staff. I enjoy buying local buy may look for another shop next time.",
"translated": "Le café aurait pu être un peu plus chaud. C'était vraiment bien mais le service ne l'était pas. Le menu spécial comprenait un nouveau sirop de cerise et une autre boisson au café aromatisée à la cannelle et à la vanille, mais au lait d'avoine. Lorsque nous avons commandé un Chai avec le sirop et demandé une modification du lait d'amande, le serveur a tout fait sauf soupirer verbalement. J'avais l'impression de déranger tout le personnel. J'aime acheter localement, je chercherai peut-être un autre magasin la prochaine fois."
"details": {
"cuisine": 4,
"service": 2,
"ambiance": 4
"likes": 0,
"response": {
"date": "il y a une semaine",
"iso_date": "2024-03-25T12:17:36Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2024-03-25T12:17:36Z",
"snippet": "Vikki, while we are pleased you enjoyed our coffee, we’re so sorry to hear that you were disappointed in our service. Thank you so much for your honest review and for your feedback. We’ll share it with the team and use it to improve.",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "Vikki, while we are pleased you enjoyed our coffee, we’re so sorry to hear that you were disappointed in our service. Thank you so much for your honest review and for your feedback. We’ll share it with the team and use it to improve.",
"translated": "Vikki, même si nous sommes heureux que vous ayez apprécié notre café, nous sommes vraiment désolés d'apprendre que vous avez été déçu par notre service. Merci beaucoup pour votre avis honnête et pour vos commentaires. Nous le partagerons avec l’équipe et l’utiliserons pour nous améliorer."
"link": "!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUMxNGJhRVRnEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0xa4969e07ce3108de!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgIC14baETg%7CCgwI_O7DrAYQiO7qsAI%7C?hl=fr",
"rating": 5.0,
"date": "il y a 3 mois",
"iso_date": "2023-12-31T05:09:16Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2023-12-31T05:09:16Z",
"images": [
"source": "Google",
"review_id": "ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUMxNGJhRVRnEAE",
"user": {
"name": "Anastasia Reyes",
"link": "",
"contributor_id": "109003588882297951310",
"thumbnail": "",
"local_guide": true,
"reviews": 101,
"photos": 324
"snippet": "A multi-location coffee shop in NYC (and other cities)!🗽\n\nGregorys’ logo reminded me of a coffee shop back at home, so I had to go in to compare!\n\nAtmosphere: This location has two of its walls made of glass making the space more open with a lot of natural light coming in!\nService: The lady that helped me with my coffee order was so kind. The order was input and delivered quickly!\nMenu items: I ordered a large, iced dirty chai latte with oat milk. Out of all the coffee shops that I visited during the trip, Gregorys had the best dirty chai! I also really loved that they offered a larger size than the other places.\n\nI didn’t try any of the food menu items while I was there. But if I am able to make a stop next time a visit, I’d love to give them a try!☕️",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "A multi-location coffee shop in NYC (and other cities)!🗽\n\nGregorys’ logo reminded me of a coffee shop back at home, so I had to go in to compare!\n\nAtmosphere: This location has two of its walls made of glass making the space more open with a lot of natural light coming in!\nService: The lady that helped me with my coffee order was so kind. The order was input and delivered quickly!\nMenu items: I ordered a large, iced dirty chai latte with oat milk. Out of all the coffee shops that I visited during the trip, Gregorys had the best dirty chai! I also really loved that they offered a larger size than the other places.\n\nI didn’t try any of the food menu items while I was there. But if I am able to make a stop next time a visit, I’d love to give them a try!☕️",
"translated": "Un café multi-sites à New York (et dans d'autres villes) !🗽\n\nLe logo de Gregorys m'a rappelé celui d'un café chez moi, j'ai donc dû y aller pour comparer !\n\nAmbiance : Cet emplacement a deux de ses murs en verre, ce qui rend l'espace plus ouvert avec beaucoup de lumière naturelle entrant !\nService : La dame qui m'a aidé avec ma commande de café était très gentille. La commande a été saisie et livrée rapidement !\nÉléments du menu: J'ai commandé un grand chai latte sale et glacé avec du lait d'avoine. De tous les cafés que j'ai visités pendant le voyage, Gregorys avait le meilleur chai sale ! J'ai aussi beaucoup aimé le fait qu'ils offrent une taille plus grande que les autres endroits.\n\nJe n’ai essayé aucun des plats du menu pendant mon séjour. Mais si je peux m'arrêter lors d'une prochaine visite, j'aimerais les essayer !☕️"
"details": {
"service": 5,
"type_de_repas": "Autre",
"prix_par_personne": "10–20 $",
"cuisine": 5,
"ambiance": 5,
"plats_recommandés": "Iced Latte"
"likes": 1,
"response": {
"date": "il y a 3 mois",
"iso_date": "2024-01-02T11:49:09Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2024-01-02T11:49:09Z",
"snippet": "Anastasia, we’re honored to hear that you enjoyed our atmosphere, wonderful staff and our coffee! Thank you so much for your review and feedback, and we can’t wait to see you again soon at our Sixth Avenue location!",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "Anastasia, we’re honored to hear that you enjoyed our atmosphere, wonderful staff and our coffee! Thank you so much for your review and feedback, and we can’t wait to see you again soon at our Sixth Avenue location!",
"translated": "Anastasia, nous sommes honorés d'apprendre que vous avez apprécié notre atmosphère, notre personnel formidable et notre café ! Merci beaucoup pour votre avis et vos commentaires, et nous avons hâte de vous revoir bientôt dans notre établissement de la Sixième Avenue !"
"link": "!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQxOU1mNk5nEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0xa4969e07ce3108de!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgID19Mf6Ng%7CCgwIyN7grAYQ-IqpywE%7C?hl=fr",
"rating": 2.0,
"date": "il y a 2 mois",
"iso_date": "2024-01-05T16:33:12Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2024-01-05T16:33:12Z",
"images": [
"source": "Google",
"review_id": "ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQxOU1mNk5nEAE",
"user": {
"name": "Анастасия Крылова",
"link": "",
"contributor_id": "117217247085836763536",
"thumbnail": "",
"reviews": 8,
"photos": 26
"snippet": "Dirty place, bathroom is out of order. The barista ignored the notes on the cup to make 8 ounces instead of 12. When I mentioned that she was very reluctant and unpleasant and remade coffee without apologizing. The coffee is bitter, not looking or tasting like cappuccino.\nMake a better choice",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "Dirty place, bathroom is out of order. The barista ignored the notes on the cup to make 8 ounces instead of 12. When I mentioned that she was very reluctant and unpleasant and remade coffee without apologizing. The coffee is bitter, not looking or tasting like cappuccino.\nMake a better choice",
"translated": "Endroit sale, la salle de bain est hors service. La barista a ignoré les notes sur la tasse pour préparer 8 onces au lieu de 12. Quand j'ai mentionné qu'elle était très réticente et désagréable et a refait le café sans s'excuser. Le café est amer, ne ressemble ni n’a le goût du cappuccino.\nFaites un meilleur choix"
"details": {
"service": 1,
"cuisine": 2,
"ambiance": 4
"likes": 2,
"response": {
"date": "il y a 2 mois",
"iso_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:25Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2024-01-08T10:44:25Z",
"snippet": "Hi there Анастасия, this is Erin with Gregorys Coffee. Thank you so much for your feedback. I’m truly sorry that the experience you had with us wasn’t what either of us had hoped. We know we can do better and would love to get another shot during a future visit.",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "Hi there Анастасия, this is Erin with Gregorys Coffee. Thank you so much for your feedback. I’m truly sorry that the experience you had with us wasn’t what either of us had hoped. We know we can do better and would love to get another shot during a future visit.",
"translated": "Bonjour Anastasie, ici Erin avec Gregorys Coffee. Nous vous remercions pour vos impressions. Je suis vraiment désolé que l’expérience que vous avez vécue avec nous n’ait pas été celle que nous avions espérée. Nous savons que nous pouvons faire mieux et aimerions avoir une autre photo lors d'une prochaine visite."
"serpapi_pagination": {
"next": "",
"next_page_token": "CAESBkVnSUlDQQ=="
Pagination results for: Gregorys Coffee
with hl: fr
Please note that pagination results does not contain place_info
and topics
. You may get and cache them from the first-page results.

"reviews": [
"link": "!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNkbE9HV1BnEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0xa4969e07ce3108de!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgICdlOGWPg%7CCgsIw7qorgYQ0Pz8EA%7C?hl=fr",
"rating": 5.0,
"date": "il y a un mois",
"iso_date": "2024-02-12T13:29:39Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2024-02-12T13:29:39Z",
"source": "Google",
"review_id": "ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNkbE9HV1BnEAE",
"user": {
"name": "Rosa",
"link": "",
"contributor_id": "115284968758949340301",
"thumbnail": "",
"reviews": 11,
"photos": 0
"snippet": "Just love going to Gregory’s, they are slightly pricier than Starbucks, but the coffee is good, they have healthy smoothies and vegan options!! The vegan deluxe is so bomb. Favorite thing on the menu, please keep it forever 🙏",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "Just love going to Gregory’s, they are slightly pricier than Starbucks, but the coffee is good, they have healthy smoothies and vegan options!! The vegan deluxe is so bomb. Favorite thing on the menu, please keep it forever 🙏",
"translated": "J'adore aller chez Gregory's, ils sont légèrement plus chers que Starbucks, mais le café est bon, ils proposent des smoothies sains et des options végétaliennes !! Le luxe végétalien est tellement une bombe. Ce que vous préférez au menu, s'il vous plaît, gardez-le pour toujours 🙏"
"details": {
"service": 5,
"type_de_repas": "Autre",
"prix_par_personne": "10–20 $",
"cuisine": 5,
"ambiance": 5,
"plats_recommandés": "Pastries, Brew",
"recommandation_pour_les_végétariens": "Fortement recommandé",
"offres_pour_les_végétariens": "Section ou menu végétariens, Plats végétariens clairement indiqués",
"options_pour_les_végétariens": "They have pastries, breakfast items and snacks that are vegan and delicious",
"restrictions_alimentaires": "Vegan"
"translated_details": {
"options_pour_les_végétariens": "Ils proposent des pâtisseries, des produits pour le petit-déjeuner et des collations végétaliennes et délicieuses.",
"restrictions_alimentaires": "Végétalien"
"likes": 0,
"response": {
"date": "il y a un mois",
"iso_date": "2024-02-20T12:36:13Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2024-02-20T12:36:13Z",
"snippet": "Rosa, we’re honored to hear that you enjoyed our coffee, smoothies, and vegan options! Thank you so much for your review and feedback, and we can’t wait to see you again soon at our Sixth Avenue location!",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "Rosa, we’re honored to hear that you enjoyed our coffee, smoothies, and vegan options! Thank you so much for your review and feedback, and we can’t wait to see you again soon at our Sixth Avenue location!",
"translated": "Rosa, nous sommes honorés d'apprendre que vous avez apprécié nos cafés, smoothies et options végétaliennes ! Merci beaucoup pour votre avis et vos commentaires, et nous avons hâte de vous revoir bientôt dans notre établissement de la Sixième Avenue !"
"link": "!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNSNDdLbjF3RRAB!2m1!1s0x0:0xa4969e07ce3108de!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgICR47Kn1wE%7CCgsIjPPLoQYQiIy2bg%7C?hl=fr",
"rating": 2.0,
"date": "il y a 11 mois",
"iso_date": "2023-04-09T17:44:44Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2023-04-09T17:44:44Z",
"images": [
"source": "Google",
"review_id": "ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNSNDdLbjF3RRAB",
"user": {
"name": "Liang Huang",
"link": "",
"contributor_id": "118058847821958446540",
"thumbnail": "",
"local_guide": true,
"reviews": 169,
"photos": 1346
"snippet": "Although everyone knows that Manhattan is becoming more and more inhabitable, one still expects a nice cafe to be a good place to rest and a good place to rest need a restroom. I am not the only customer who is asking about if the store has a restroom for customers, the cold, indifferent answer from staff member is “no”, without even a single word more or any suggestions. This aligns with many other reviews that staff in this particular location is not friendly. Coffee is ok, but do not expect anything special. The Cranberry walnut scone that I had, is just dry and flavorless. I usually wouldn’t waste food, but half of it went to trash. Three of us couldn’t even finish one scone. It is that bad. Two stars for the so-so 2 cups of cappuccino and 1 cup of americano we had. Zero star for service, environment, and pastry.",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "Although everyone knows that Manhattan is becoming more and more inhabitable, one still expects a nice cafe to be a good place to rest and a good place to rest need a restroom. I am not the only customer who is asking about if the store has a restroom for customers, the cold, indifferent answer from staff member is “no”, without even a single word more or any suggestions. This aligns with many other reviews that staff in this particular location is not friendly. Coffee is ok, but do not expect anything special. The Cranberry walnut scone that I had, is just dry and flavorless. I usually wouldn’t waste food, but half of it went to trash. Three of us couldn’t even finish one scone. It is that bad. Two stars for the so-so 2 cups of cappuccino and 1 cup of americano we had. Zero star for service, environment, and pastry.",
"translated": "Même si tout le monde sait que Manhattan devient de plus en plus habitable, on s'attend toujours à ce qu'un bon café soit un bon endroit pour se reposer et un bon endroit pour se reposer a besoin de toilettes. Je ne suis pas le seul client à demander si le magasin dispose de toilettes pour les clients, la réponse froide et indifférente d'un membre du personnel est « non », sans même un seul mot de plus ni aucune suggestion. Cela concorde avec de nombreuses autres critiques selon lesquelles le personnel de cet endroit particulier n'est pas sympathique. Le café est bon, mais ne vous attendez à rien de spécial. Le scone aux canneberges et aux noix que j'ai eu est juste sec et sans saveur. D’habitude, je ne gaspillais pas de nourriture, mais la moitié partait à la poubelle. Trois d’entre nous n’ont même pas pu finir un scone. C'est si mauvais. Deux étoiles pour les 2 tasses de cappuccino et 1 tasse d'americano que nous avons eues. Zéro étoile pour le service, l'environnement et la pâtisserie."
"details": {
"service": "Repas sur place",
"type_de_repas": "Autre",
"prix_par_personne": "10–20 $"
"likes": 1,
"response": {
"date": "il y a 11 mois",
"iso_date": "2023-04-11T01:29:21Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2023-04-11T01:29:21Z",
"snippet": "We’re sorry to hear that you were disappointed in your experience at Gregorys Coffee. We strive to provide the best possible experience for our guests, and it’s disappointing to learn that we may have fallen short in this case. If you could contact us at, we would love to get some more details in an effort to resolve this issue. Thank you!",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "We’re sorry to hear that you were disappointed in your experience at Gregorys Coffee. We strive to provide the best possible experience for our guests, and it’s disappointing to learn that we may have fallen short in this case. If you could contact us at, we would love to get some more details in an effort to resolve this issue. Thank you!",
"translated": "Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous avez été déçu de votre expérience chez Gregorys Coffee. Nous nous efforçons d’offrir la meilleure expérience possible à nos clients, et il est décevant d’apprendre que nous n’avons peut-être pas réussi dans ce cas. Si vous pouviez nous contacter à, nous serions ravis d'obtenir plus de détails afin de résoudre ce problème. Merci!"
"link": "!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNlaXNqZ1lBEAE!2m1!1s0x0:0xa4969e07ce3108de!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgICeisjgYA%7CCgwI-MfzmAYQsO6q2AM%7C?hl=fr",
"rating": 4.0,
"date": "il y a un an",
"iso_date": "2022-09-10T19:22:32Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2022-09-10T19:22:32Z",
"images": [
"source": "Google",
"review_id": "ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNlaXNqZ1lBEAE",
"user": {
"name": "Brittany Burleson",
"link": "",
"contributor_id": "109085762761845000223",
"thumbnail": "",
"local_guide": true,
"reviews": 202,
"photos": 193
"snippet": "Great spot to grab a cup of coffee and watch the hustle of the city. Staff is not the best nor friendliest/customer service oriented. They were busy but they definitely need someone to clean tables and spot clean throughout the day. Decor gives a fun vibe. Better than the larger chain coffee spots.",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "Great spot to grab a cup of coffee and watch the hustle of the city. Staff is not the best nor friendliest/customer service oriented. They were busy but they definitely need someone to clean tables and spot clean throughout the day. Decor gives a fun vibe. Better than the larger chain coffee spots.",
"translated": "Super endroit pour prendre une tasse de café et regarder l'agitation de la ville. Le personnel n'est ni le meilleur ni le plus sympathique/orienté vers le service client. Ils étaient occupés mais ils ont absolument besoin de quelqu'un pour nettoyer les tables et nettoyer les taches tout au long de la journée. La décoration donne une ambiance amusante. Mieux que les plus grandes chaînes de café."
"likes": 4
"serpapi_pagination": {
"next": "",
"next_page_token": "CAESBkVnSUlFZw=="
Results for: Courtland Grand Hotel
For some searches, Google will return aggregated reviews from multiple sources. source
can be used to identify review from Google and others.

"reviews": [
"link": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"date": "2 months ago",
"iso_date": "2024-01-22T23:59:59Z",
"iso_date_of_last_edit": "2024-01-22T23:59:59Z",
"source": "",
"review_id": "ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNkanM3YURnEAE",
"user": {
"name": " Member",
"link": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"snippet": "The waiters were very friendly. The location is about a 15-minute walk from the Convention and Exhibition Center. Walking forward, there is a Chinese restaurant, shopping mall, and subway station. It is convenient for eating and transportation. The breakfast was rich and the room was spacious. High cost performance",
"extracted_snippet": {
"original": "The waiters were very friendly. The location is about a 15-minute walk from the Convention and Exhibition Center. Walking forward, there is a Chinese restaurant, shopping mall, and subway station. It is convenient for eating and transportation. The breakfast was rich and the room was spacious. High cost performance"
"likes": 0