Google Light Related Searches API

SerpApi is able to scrape, extract, and make sense of related searches results for certain search queries.

When SerpApi encounters related searches results, we add them to our JSON output as the array related_searches.

For each related searches result, we are able to extract its query, link, and serpapi_link.

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  • {
    • "error": "Internet connection seems to not be working."

Code to integrate

  • require 'google_search_results' 
    params = {
      engine: "google_light",
      q: "Coffee",
      location: "Austin, Texas, United States",
      api_key: "secret_api_key"
    search =
    related_searches = search.get_hash[:related_searches]

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Example with q: latest hurricane

Example with q: latest hurricane

Code to integrate

  • require 'google_search_results' 
    params = {
      engine: "google_light",
      q: "latest hurricane",
      hl: "en",
      gl: "us",
      api_key: "secret_api_key"
    search =
    related_searches = search.get_hash[:related_searches]

JSON Example

  "related_searches": [
      "query": "Latest hurricane tracker",
      "link": "",
      "serpapi_link": ""
      "query": "Hurricane coming this weekend",
      "link": "",
      "serpapi_link": ""
      "query": "Latest hurricane gulf of mexico",
      "link": "",
      "serpapi_link": ""

JSON structure overview

  "related_searches": [
      "query": "String - Query of the related search",
      "link":  "String - Link to the Google search",
      "serpapi_link":  "String - SerpApi Link of the Google search",

SerpApi results for ""