DuckDuckGo News Results API

When a DuckDuckGo search contains news results, they are parsed and exist within the news_results array in the JSON output. News results can contain title, link, thumbnail, snippet, source, and date.

API Examples

News results overview

News results overview

Code to integrate

  • require 'google_search_results' 
    params = {
      engine: "duckduckgo",
      q: "Bill Gates",
      api_key: "secret_api_key"
    search =
    news_results = search.get_hash[:news_results]

JSON Example

  "news_results": [
      "position": 1,
      "title": "Whether you love him or hate him, Bill Gates reads and retains roughly 50 books per year",
      "link": "",
      "snippet": "This article was created by StackCommerce. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through our links on this page. Do you remember back in school, the day before the big exam, you had this sudden epiphany that perhaps you should study?",
      "source": "Financial Post on",
      "date": "18 hours ago",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "position": 2,
      "title": "Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is now also the company's chair, becoming the first person since Bill Gates to hold both roles at the same time",
      "link": "",
      "snippet": "The last person to be both Microsoft's CEO and chairperson was Bill Gates, until he stepped down as CEO in 2000. Nadella has been CEO since 2014.",
      "source": "Business Insider on",
      "date": "23 hours ago",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "position": 3,
      "title": "These are the 5 books that Bill Gates recommends you read this summer",
      "link": "",
      "snippet": "The millionaire makes his literary recommendations every year. This time the list includes the memoirs of Barack Obama.",
      "source": "Entrepreneur on",
      "date": "3 days ago",
      "thumbnail": ""

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