Yandex Inline Videos API
Search result might contain an inline video section between organic results. In case it is present in the search result, SerpApi will parse and provide it as part of the response.
API Examples
Results for: coffee tutorial

"search_metadata": {
"id": "6309d1d915afff06f5262193",
"status": "Success",
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"created_at": "2022-08-27 08:12:09 UTC",
"processed_at": "2022-08-27 08:12:09 UTC",
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"total_time_taken": 21.94
"search_parameters": {
"text": "coffee tutorial",
"engine": "yandex",
"device": "desktop"
"search_information": {
"organic_results_state": "Results for exact spelling",
"query_displayed": "coffee tutorial"
"inline_videos": [
"title": "Coffee \"Tutorial\"",
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"source": {
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"duration": "00:35",
"thumbnail": "//"
"title": "HNC Tutorial - How to make a good Coffee",
"link": "",
"source": {
"name": "",
"link": ""
"duration": "5:44",
"thumbnail": "//"
"title": "Bullet Proof Coffee Tutorial ️ How to make Butter Coffee | Facebook",
"link": "",
"source": {
"name": "",
"link": ""
"duration": "1:50",
"thumbnail": "//"
"title": "Bullet Proof Coffee Tutorial ️ How to make Butter Coffee | Facebook",
"link": "",
"source": {
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"duration": "1:50",
"thumbnail": "//"
"title": "Hot Chocolate and Coffee Tutorial!",
"link": "",
"source": {
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"duration": "00:59",
"thumbnail": "//"
"title": "DIY Crocheted Coffee Cozie Tutorial",
"link": "",
"source": {
"name": "",
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"duration": "8:38",
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