Google Local "Places" Results API
The Google Local "Places" Results API allows a user to scrape the results of Google Places search. SerpApi is able to make sense of this information and extract title
, reviews
, ratings
, price
, type
, address
, description
, review
, hours
, thumbnail
, gps_coordinates
, place_id
, links
and more.
JSON structure overview
"local_map": {
"image": "String - URL to the image"
"local_results": [
"position": "Integer - Place position",
"title": "String - Place title",
"rating": "Float - Place rating",
"reviews_original": "String - Place review count",
"reviews": "Integer - Place review count",
"price": "String - Place price point",
"type": "String - Place type",
"address": "String - Place address",
"hours": "String - Place working hours",
"description": "String - Description or short review of a place",
"place_id": "String - Google CID (customer identifier) of a place",
"place_id_search": "String - URL to the SerpApi search",
"provider_id": "String - Provider ID of the place",
"lsig": "String - Aditional ID of a place",
"thumbnail": "String - URL to the image thumbnail",
"extensions": "Array - Additional information to the place",
"gps_coordinates": {
"latitude": "Numeric - Place latitude",
"longitude": "Numeric - Place longitude"
"links": "Hash - Action URL, e.g. directions, website, order, phone, schedule",
"service_options": {
"dine_in": "Boolean - Determine whether the place allow dine-in",
"takeout": "Boolean - Determine whether the place allow takeout"
Results for: Coffee

"local_results": [
"position": 1,
"title": "Houndstooth Coffee",
"rating": 4.6,
"reviews_original": "(862)",
"reviews": 862,
"price": "$$",
"type": "Coffee shop",
"address": "401 Congress Ave. #100c · In Frost Bank Tower",
"description": "Cozy hangout for carefully sourced brews",
"place_id": "11265938073076301333",
"place_id_search": "",
"lsig": "AB86z5Vdw6C2pJpM0xQ6JUx2KONU",
"thumbnail": "<URL to image>",
"gps_coordinates": {
"latitude": 30.266398999999996,
"longitude": -97.742779
"position": 2,
"title": "Progress Coffee",
"rating": 5,
"reviews_original": "(4)",
"reviews": 4,
"type": "Coffee shop",
"address": "515 Congress Ave. · In the Bank of America Financial Center",
"place_id": "1973998765368382603",
"place_id_search": "",
"lsig": "AB86z5UihdVRxPqHoVsdxHlX9u_z",
"thumbnail": "<URL to image>",
"gps_coordinates": {
"latitude": 30.267741599999997,
"longitude": -97.74260389999999
"service_options": {
"dine_in": true,
"takeout": true
"position": 3,
"title": "Starbucks",
"rating": 4.3,
"reviews_original": "(488)",
"reviews": 488,
"price": "$$",
"type": "Coffee shop",
"address": "301 W 3rd St",
"description": "Iconic Seattle-based coffeehouse chain",
"place_id": "14343056409938523336",
"place_id_search": "",
"lsig": "AB86z5VlzJFxycG7xUXBLf12UDjN",
"thumbnail": "<URL to image>",
"gps_coordinates": {
"latitude": 30.265863000000003,
"longitude": -97.74649199999999
Results for: Coffee

"local_map": {
"image": ""
"local_results": [
"position": 1,
"title": "Houndstooth Coffee",
"rating": 4.6,
"reviews_original": "(862)",
"reviews": 862,
"price": "$$",
"address": "401 Congress Ave. #100c",
"type": "Coffee shop",
"description": "Cozy hangout for carefully sourced brews",
"place_id": "11265938073076301333",
"place_id_search": "",
"lsig": "AB86z5WAwZ6EQxM6P9ZAHqnLlPp2",
"images": [
"links": {
"phone": "+15123946051",
"directions": ",+401+Congress+Ave.+%23100c,+Austin,+TX+78701/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x8644b50847967b9f:0x9c58a6fceb42fe15?entry=s&sa=X&hl=en&gl=us"
"position": 2,
"title": "Progress Coffee",
"rating": 5,
"reviews_original": "(4)",
"reviews": 4,
"address": "515 Congress Ave.",
"type": "Coffee shop",
"place_id": "1973998765368382603",
"place_id_search": "",
"lsig": "AB86z5Vgm9PIfiTDMS_8Z3VZNXAm",
"images": [
"service_options": {
"dine_in": true,
"takeout": true
"links": {
"directions": ",+515+Congress+Ave.,+Austin,+TX+78701/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x8644b538620ec6dd:0x1b650d6b1cd7948b?entry=s&sa=X&hl=en&gl=us",
"order": ",AH,SOE"
"position": 3,
"title": "The Hideout Coffee House",
"rating": 4.4,
"reviews_original": "(452)",
"reviews": 452,
"price": "$",
"address": "617 Congress Ave.",
"type": "Coffee shop",
"description": "Area institution with a theater upstairs",
"place_id": "15498522356495312950",
"place_id_search": "",
"lsig": "AB86z5UgUFSFJo4bxVHuQ_dMtn-7",
"images": [
"links": {
"phone": "+15124761313",
"directions": ",+617+Congress+Ave.,+Austin,+TX+78701/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x8644b509dc5317d5:0xd715cff7f25a6836?entry=s&sa=X&hl=en&gl=us",
"order": ",AH,SOE"
Results with extensions

"local_results": [
"position": 19,
"rating": 3.0,
"reviews_original": "(2)",
"reviews": 2,
"place_id": "6279182528142398096",
"place_id_search": "",
"provider_id": "/m/04g3gxf",
"lsig": "AB86z5WaScbiSb4mZsqYMrTBQ6ws",
"gps_coordinates": {
"latitude": 30.273577600000003,
"longitude": -97.7006447
"links": {
"website": "",
"directions": ",+3000+Oak+Springs+Dr+Suite+200,+Austin,+TX+78702/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x8644b57581278a93:0x5724233da5c45290?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwil2IS9gMqAAxWrh-4BHeQ9C2kQ48ADegQIBhAA&hl=en&gl=us"
"title": "Lone Star Circle of Care at Oak Springs",
"type": "Medical clinic",
"address": "3000 Oak Springs Dr Suite 200",
"phone": "(877) 800-5722",
"hours": "Closed ⋅ Opens 8 AM",
"extensions": [
"Medicare/Medicaid accepted",
"Free or low-cost care",
"Has online care"
"position": 20,
"rating": 3.6,
"reviews_original": "(700)",
"reviews": 700,
"place_id": "1180798402976466894",
"place_id_search": "",
"provider_id": "/g/11fk1qdxcx",
"lsig": "AB86z5WwMuiF4PHmzgSmYGJ9Plzj",
"gps_coordinates": {
"latitude": 30.27651,
"longitude": -97.73383520000002
"links": {
"website": "",
"directions": ",+1500+Red+River+St,+Austin,+TX+78701/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x8644b5a27ba55557:0x106309e430c2c7ce?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwil2IS9gMqAAxWrh-4BHeQ9C2kQ48ADegQICRAA&hl=en&gl=us"
"title": "Dell Seton Medical Center at The University of Texas",
"type": "Hospital",
"address": "1500 Red River St",
"phone": "(512) 324-7000",
"hours": "Open 24 hours",
"extensions": [
"Medicare/Medicaid accepted",
"Has online care"
Results requested with ludocid
The data_cid
gathered from our Google Maps Local Results API can be used as ludocid
in the Google Local Results API.

"local_results": [
"position": 1,
"rating": 4.1,
"reviews_original": "(1.1K)",
"reviews": 1100,
"price": "$$",
"place_id": "11859840425088059614",
"place_id_search": "",
"lsig": "AB86z5WkM5El4xKH_xwD9BA_zMCz",
"provider_id": "/g/11xdfwq9f",
"gps_coordinates": {
"latitude": 40.747737799999996,
"longitude": -73.98907659999999
"links": {
"website": "",
"directions": ",+874+6th+Ave,+New+York,+NY+10001/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x89c259af336b3341:0xa4969e07ce3108de?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiskdWNzPyBAxWTLFkFHZxFASAQ48ADegQIARAA&hl=en&gl=us"
"title": "Gregorys Coffee",
"type": "Coffee shop",
"address": "874 6th Ave",
"phone": "(877) 231-7619",
"hours": "Closed ⋅ Opens 6:30 AM"