Google Ads Transparency Center API

Our Google Ads Transparency Center API allows you to scrape ads information by advertisers from the Google Ads Transparency Center page.

The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?engine=google_ads_transparency_center. A user may query the following: utilizing a GET request. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.

API Parameters

Search Query



Parameter defines the Google Advertiser ID. It can be found in the Ads Transparency Center advertiser URL.
For example, the advertiser ID for the URL is AR17828074650563772417(Tesla Inc).

It accepts either a single ID or multiple IDs separated by commas (,). Example,
Single ID: AR17828074650563772417
Multple IDs: AR17828074650563772417,AR03911981557522366465,...

Alternatively, text can be used for free-text search.

Advanced Ads Transparency Parameters



Parameter defines the text you want to search, typically related to a domain search within the context of Google Ads. You can use anything that you would normally use in a standard Google Ads Transparency Center search.

It can be used as an alternative to advertiser_id. The advertiser_id can be optional when text is present.



Parameter defines the target platform where ads are displayed. When not set, it will return results from all platforms (default).
Available options:

PLAY - Google Play
MAPS - Google Maps
SEARCH - Google Search
SHOPPING - Google Shopping
YOUTUBE - YouTube.



The parameter determine if the advertiser promotes political advertisement. Political advertisement is a different category than regular advetisements, and will not appear on the results unless this parameter is set to true. If this parameter is set to true, only political advertisements will appear on the results. By default it is false.

This parameter can only be used alonside with the region parameter.

Geographic Location



Parameter defines from where you want the search to originate. By default it search results from anywhere. Head to the Google Ads Transparency Center Regions for a full list of supported regions.

Date Range



Parameter defines the start date for which you want the search results to begin. The format for this field is YYYYMMDD.
Example: 20221201



Parameter defines the end date for which you want the search results to conclude. The format for this field is YYYYMMDD.
Example: 20221231

To set the date for Today / Single Day, you should set end_date as start_date + 1 day.

Advanced Filters



Parameter defines the format you want to filter by. Only search results with a similar format will be returned.
Available options:
text - Text
image - Image
video - Video




Parameter defines the maximum number of results to return. (e.g., 40 (default) returns 40 results and 100 returns 100 results).



Parameter defines the next page token. It is used for retrieving the next page results.

Serpapi Parameters



Set parameter to google_ads_transparency_center to use the Google Ads Transparency Center API engine.



Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the Google Ads Transparency Center results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false (default) to allow results from the cache, or true to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.



Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false (default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together. async should not be used on accounts with Ludicrous Speed enabled.



Enterprise only. Parameter enables ZeroTrace mode. It can be set to false (default) or true. Enable this mode to skip storing search parameters, search files, and search metadata on our servers. This may make debugging more difficult.



Parameter defines the SerpApi private key to use.



Parameter defines the final output you want. It can be set to json (default) to get a structured JSON of the results, or html to get the raw html retrieved.

API Results

JSON Results

JSON output includes structured data for suggested searches.

A search status is accessible through search_metadata.status. It flows this way: Processing -> Success || Error. If a search has failed, error will contain an error message. is the search ID inside SerpApi.

HTML Results

HTML output is useful to debug JSON results or support features not supported yet by SerpApi. HTML output gives you the raw HTML results from Google Ads Transparency Center.
This API does not have html response, just a text. search_metadata.prettify_html_file contains prettified version of the result. It is displayed in the playground.

API Examples

Example with advertiser_id: AR17828074650563772417 (Tesla Inc.)

Example with advertiser_id: AR17828074650563772417 (Tesla Inc.)

JSON Example

  "search_metadata": {
    "id": "651a4a10b68f8b7417b8c81a",
    "status": "Success",
    "json_endpoint": "",
    "created_at": "2023-10-02 04:41:52 UTC",
    "processed_at": "2023-10-02 04:41:52 UTC",
    "google_ads_transparency_center_url": "",
    "raw_html_file": "",
    "prettify_html_file": "",
    "total_time_taken": 1.55
  "search_parameters": {
    "engine": "google_ads_transparency_center",
    "advertiser_id": "AR17828074650563772417",
    "region": "2840"
  "search_information": {
    "total_results": 200
  "ad_creatives": [
      "advertiser_id": "AR17828074650563772417",
      "advertiser": "Tesla Inc.",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR04179139827687489537",
      "format": "text",
      "image": "",
      "width": 380,
      "height": 239,
      "first_shown": 1691712612,
      "last_shown": 1696917405,
      "details_link": ""
      "advertiser_id": "AR17828074650563772417",
      "advertiser": "Tesla Inc.",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR13482711342183874561",
      "format": "text",
      "image": "",
      "width": 380,
      "height": 219,
      "first_shown": 1690515042,
      "last_shown": 1696914555,
      "details_link": ""
      "advertiser_id": "AR17828074650563772417",
      "advertiser": "Tesla Inc.",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR14782759597215055873",
      "format": "text",
      "image": "",
      "width": 380,
      "height": 199,
      "first_shown": 1690482581,
      "last_shown": 1696913844,
      "details_link": ""
  "serpapi_pagination": {
    "next_page_token": "CgoAP7zn5UyV/VczEhBcLRakJIerGUtDLE4AAAAAGgn8+M+D+JtCDl0=",
    "next": ""

Example with text:

Notice that you can omit advertiser_id when text is used.

Example with text:

JSON Example

  "search_metadata": {
    "id": "651a4b2cb68f8b7417b8c81b",
    "status": "Success",
    "json_endpoint": "",
    "created_at": "2023-10-02 04:46:36 UTC",
    "processed_at": "2023-10-02 04:46:36 UTC",
    "google_ads_transparency_center_url": "",
    "raw_html_file": "",
    "prettify_html_file": "",
    "total_time_taken": 2.28
  "search_parameters": {
    "engine": "google_ads_transparency_center",
    "text": "",
    "region": "2840"
  "search_information": {
    "total_results": 60000
  "ad_creatives": [
      "advertiser_id": "AR10942234166510485505",
      "advertiser": "BlueVision Interactive Limited",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR08396808982353674241",
      "format": "text",
      "target_domain": "",
      "image": "",
      "width": 380,
      "height": 219,
      "first_shown": 1695139468,
      "last_shown": 1696220960,
      "details_link": ""
      "advertiser_id": "AR15992851274060005377",
      "advertiser": "Apple Inc.",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR07064652788768178177",
      "format": "text",
      "target_domain": "",
      "image": "",
      "width": 380,
      "height": 286,
      "first_shown": 1693352175,
      "last_shown": 1696220856,
      "details_link": ""
      "advertiser_id": "AR13908287247678963713",
      "advertiser": "Oleksandr Pylaiev",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR14440961048917835777",
      "format": "image",
      "target_domain": "",
      "image": "",
      "width": 300,
      "height": 250,
      "first_shown": 1664866800,
      "last_shown": 1696220830,
      "details_link": ""
  "serpapi_pagination": {
    "next_page_token": "CgoAP7zn5TAzVgIzEhDiBCUGAlOPw6FzYbYAAAAAGgn8+M97+Oyd2pM=",
    "next": ""

Example with text: and creative_format: video

For video creative format, link will be provided instead of image.

Example with text: and creative_format: video

JSON Example

  "ad_creatives": [
      "advertiser_id": "AR02644079998830379009",
      "advertiser": "TOCA BOCA AB",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR12869618985611558913",
      "format": "video",
      "link": ",54&adGroupId=156230615034&overlay=%3DH4sIAAAAAAAAAPNS4OJPrShJLcpLzAnLTEnN90wR4uXiNkh0riwM8yr0zvEFAFQvzQIiAAAA&sig=ACiVB_zGIklLXaXhHJHk67LlZile1ROFHg&htmlParentId=fletch-render-11157093278055826386&responseCallback=fletchCallback11157093278055826386",
      "target_domain": "",
      "first_shown": 1694038475,
      "last_shown": 1696917458,
      "details_link": ""
      "advertiser_id": "AR06015994948166352897",
      "advertiser": "DAILYMOTION",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR09110482188733775873",
      "format": "video",
      "link": ",54&adGroupId=153649213597&allowedVariations=44&overlay=%3DH4sIAAAAAAAAAPNS4OJPrShJLcpLzAnLTEnN90wR4uXiDshIcfKvdDOxyCsGACW3R1IiAAAA&sig=ACiVB_w9ovhiyWeU97f_rsNlfNzOpfibaA&htmlParentId=fletch-render-8051267608661878892&responseCallback=fletchCallback8051267608661878892",
      "target_domain": "",
      "first_shown": 1695117475,
      "last_shown": 1696917321,
      "details_link": ""
      "advertiser_id": "AR02183901878293626881",
      "advertiser": "Altissia International S.A.",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR00527373364919009281",
      "format": "video",
      "link": ",54&adGroupId=153955534556&assets=%3DH4sIAAAAAAAAAOMy4uLgmPf45h9dAQ4gayGYxQhkLel69d9CgBnIOnO7qbtKgAfI-vL2A5DFBABK64IrNAAAAA&sig=ACiVB_xZ8A5eN9B_Jxt5FimIZTaNIaNT7g&htmlParentId=fletch-render-3417612862269275273&responseCallback=fletchCallback3417612862269275273",
      "target_domain": "",
      "first_shown": 1695658543,
      "last_shown": 1696917275,
      "details_link": ""

Example with political_ads: trueregion: 2840 and advertiser_id: AR14197312639457034241

Google requires region to be set for Political advertisements.

Example with political_ads: true, region: 2840 and advertiser_id: AR14197312639457034241

JSON Example

  "ad_creatives": [
      "advertiser_id": "AR14197312639457034241",
      "advertiser": "CTE ALABAS FARHAT",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR09884812359241826305",
      "format": "text",
      "link": ",54&adGroupId=164125220589&overlay=%3DH4sIAAAAAAAAAPMy4RJLTEnJLMnMz0vMCU5NLErOcExxSSxJFJJSkpjFLsol6BziquDo4-jkGKzg5hjk4RgiwQgAVMV1ljYAAAA&sig=ACiVB_y1wOMDzITtrhOef2t9KndU7XC-qg&htmlParentId=fletch-render-17361589772437553948&responseCallback=fletchCallback17361589772437553948",
      "total_days_shown": 25,
      "first_shown": 1720808563,
      "last_shown": 1723002141,
      "minimum_views_count": 2000,
      "maximum_views_count": 3000,
      "minimum_budget_spent": "1000 USD",
      "maximum_budget_spent": "1500 USD",
      "details_link": ""
      "advertiser_id": "AR14197312639457034241",
      "advertiser": "CTE ALABAS FARHAT",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR16841151948320145409",
      "format": "text",
      "link": ",54&adGroupId=164557647003&overlay=%3DH4sIAAAAAAAAAPMy4RJLTEnJLMnMz0vMCU5NLErOcExxSSxJFJJSkpjFLsol6BziquDo4-jkGKzg5hjk4RgiwQgAVMV1ljYAAAA&sig=ACiVB_zCIFvvC8cJZB0rvlVAGh2axGHUdw&htmlParentId=fletch-render-2883881405119810567&responseCallback=fletchCallback2883881405119810567",
      "total_days_shown": 19,
      "first_shown": 1721411071,
      "last_shown": 1723001617,
      "minimum_views_count": 0,
      "maximum_views_count": 1000,
      "minimum_budget_spent": "300 USD",
      "maximum_budget_spent": "400 USD",
      "details_link": ""
      "advertiser_id": "AR14197312639457034241",
      "advertiser": "CTE ALABAS FARHAT",
      "ad_creative_id": "CR05447095468607668225",
      "format": "video",
      "link": ",54&adGroupId=162613381817&overlay=%3DH4sIAAAAAAAAAPNS4OJPrShJLcpLzAnLTEnN90wR4uXiTsnzcE7OMg-N9zYAAHnpTO8iAAAA&sig=ACiVB_xU-o5gvimi09yo9w27IwwSCTB1WQ&htmlParentId=fletch-render-17176109577402558459&responseCallback=fletchCallback17176109577402558459",
      "total_days_shown": 23,
      "first_shown": 1720896970,
      "last_shown": 1722916769,
      "minimum_views_count": 40000,
      "maximum_views_count": 45000,
      "minimum_budget_spent": "600 USD",
      "maximum_budget_spent": "700 USD",
      "details_link": ""

JSON structure overview

  "ad_creatives": [
      "advertiser_id": "String - Advertiser ID of the creative",
      "advertiser": "String - Advertiser name of the creative",
      "ad_creative_id": "String - ID of the creative",
      "format": "String - Format of the creative (e.g. 'text', 'image' and 'video')",
      "link": "String - URL to the creative",
      "target_domain": "String - Domain target of the creative",
      "image": "String - URL to the creative image",
      "width": "Integer - Width of the creative image",
      "height": "Integer - Height of the creative image",
      "total_days_shown": "Integer - Number of days the ad was actually shown within the first day and the last day the ad was shown",
      "first_shown": "Integer - Timestamp of the first time ad was shown (Unix epoch format)",
      "last_shown": "Integer - Timestamp of the last time ad was shown (Unix epoch format)",
      "minimum_views_count": "Integer - The lowest number of times the political ad was displayed to users (only available for Political Ads)",
      "maximum_views_count": "Integer - The highest number of times the political ad was displayed to users (only available for Political Ads)",
      "minimum_budget_spent": "String - The smallest amount of money that was spent on the political ad campaign and its currency (Ex: '4500 USD' - only available for Political Ads)",
      "maximum_budget_spent": "String - The largest amount of money that was spent on the political ad campaign and its currency (Ex: '5000 USD' - only available for Political Ads)",
      "details_link": "String - URL to the ad details in Google Ads Tranparency Center",
  "serpapi_pagination": {
    "next_page_token": "String - Token to retrieve next page results",
    "next": "String - SerpApi's URL for the next page results"