Google Shopping Related Results API
The Google Shopping Related Results API will be deprecated as part of the transition to the New Google Shopping Layout.
The Google Shopping Related Results API scrapes the position
, title
, link
, product_id
, product_link
, serpapi_product_api
, source
, source_icon
, price
, extracted_price
, old_price
, extracted_old_price
, rating
, reviews
, snippet
, extensions
, thumbnail
, other_options
, tag
, second_hand_condition
, number_of_comparisons
and delivery
fields of a shopping result.
JSON structure overview
"related_shopping_results": [
"position": "Integer - Item position (Ex: 1)",
"title": "String - Item title (Ex: 'Ryan's World Youth Headphones')",
"link": "String - Link to the item",
"product_id": "String - Unique Google product identifier (Ex: '11809195947618191040')",
"product_link": "String - Link to the Google item page",
"serpapi_product_api": "String - SerpApi URL to fetch more information about this specific product",
"source": "String - Product source name (Ex: 'eBay')",
"source_icon": "String - Link to the source icon",
"price": "String - Item price (Ex: '$14.95')",
"extracted_price": "Numeric - Item price as a float or integer (Ex: '14.95')",
"old_price": "String - Item's price before discount (Ex: '$15.99')",
"extracted_old_price": "Numeric - Item's old price as float or integer (Ex: '15.99')",
"badge": "String - Store Badge (Ex: 'Trusted Store')",
"rating": "Numeric - Item rating (Ex: '5')",
"reviews": "Integer - Item review count (Ex: '15')",
"snippet": "String - Item description",
"extensions": "Array - Item tags/extensions",
"thumbnail": "String - URL of an image",
"other_options": "Array - Other Google product variants",
"tag": "String - Item tag (Ex: 'CURBSIDE', 'IN-STORE PICKUP', 'SALE', 'FREE 2-DAY')",
"second_hand_condition": "String - Description of condition when the product is second hand (Ex: 'used', or 'refurbished')",
"delivery" : "String - Information on delivery of the product (Ex: '$7.95 delivery')"