Google Play Movies Product API
The Google Play Product API allows a user to scrape the results of Google Play Product Audiobooks store. SerpApi is able to make sense of this information and extract product_info
, media
, cast_and_credits
, ratings
, reviews
, similar_results
, and more.
API Examples
Example with product_id: ePpJDKfRAyM

"product_info": {
"title": "Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame",
"extensions": [
"181 minutes"
"duration": "181M0S",
"rating": 4.7,
"reviews": 7540,
"tomatometer": "94%",
"content_rating": {
"text": "PG-13"
"eligible": true,
"thumbnail": "",
"offers": [
"text": "$19.99 Buy 4K",
"link": "",
"price": "$19.99",
"extracted_price": 19.99
"text": "$3.99 Rent 4K",
"link": "",
"price": "$3.99",
"extracted_price": 3.99
"media": {
"video": {
"thumbnail": "",
"link": ""
"extras": {
"info": "Available only with purchase",
"items": [
"title": "Play Movie With Intro (Spoiler)",
"description": "Play movie with intro by Directors Anthony and Joe Russo.",
"length": "183 minutes",
"thumbnail": ""
"title": "Play Movie With Commentary",
"description": "Play movie with audio commentary by Directors Anthony and Joe Russo, and Writers Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely.",
"length": "181 minutes",
"thumbnail": ""
"title": "Remembering Stan Lee",
"description": "Filmmakers and cast honor the great Stan Lee in this fond look back at his MCU movie cameos.",
"length": "7 minutes",
"thumbnail": ""
"about_this_movie": {
"snippet": "The fourth installment in the Avengers saga is the culmination of 22 interconnected Marvel films and the climax of an epic journey. The world's greatest heroes will finally understand just how fragile our reality is-and the sacrifices that must be made to uphold it-in a story of friendship, teamwork and setting aside differences to overcome an impossible obstacle."
"about_this_movie": {
"snippet": "The fourth installment in the Avengers saga is the culmination of 22 interconnected Marvel films and the climax of an epic journey. The world's greatest heroes will finally understand just how fragile our reality is-and the sacrifices that must be made to uphold it-in a story of friendship, teamwork and setting aside differences to overcome an impossible obstacle."
"categories": [
"name": "Sci-fi & fantasy",
"link": "",
"category_id": "13",
"serpapi_link": ""
"rating": "PG-13",
"ratings": [
"stars": 1,
"count": 297
"stars": 2,
"count": 101
"stars": 3,
"count": 195
"stars": 4,
"count": 503
"stars": 5,
"count": 6447
"rating": "PG-13",
"reviews": [
"id": "fdf7cad4-31a6-47f0-847e-951ca64019db",
"title": "ezln 4ever",
"avatar": "",
"rating": 2.0,
"snippet": "This movie was a huge disappointment for me, the first 2 hours were so boring I nearly fell asleep! I just started watching marvel movies, si this movie was so confusing for me. This felt more like a drama movie than action. The only thing I liked about this movie was the 3rd hour because it had all the action scenes. I also didn't like that Captain America gave up his powers and everything, and my favorite characters only said like 3 Lines! So I give this 2 stars. Such a disappointment 😪.",
"likes": 11,
"date": "June 04, 2020",
"iso_date": "2020-06-04T02:17:46Z"
"id": "fa25c16a-279a-410b-8662-efdf33f3bac0",
"title": "Dan Stevens",
"avatar": "",
"rating": 2.0,
"snippet": "only good thing is the music and CGI. acting is bad, poor plot, bad timing. it's all rushed too, even for a 3 hour film.. not real quality. like tossing a bunch of ingredients on ramen noodles. it lacks true substance. also, the feminism and SJW virtue signaling was way too obvious and an eyesore. women arent oppressed nor are gays. no need to prop them on your shoulders and act like you're their heroes, Hollywood. you're pedophiles and you celebrate pedophile directors and actors regularly",
"likes": 16,
"date": "August 02, 2019",
"iso_date": "2019-08-02T06:39:58Z"
"id": "4af815ac-af84-4f23-9fb0-b8bb64a230e2",
"title": "whoops",
"avatar": "",
"rating": 3.0,
"snippet": "This movie is so popular and for good reason. Everyone I know has also seen it (duh haha). I liked when Hawkeye shot the Hulk and killed him. But I was crying! When they went to mars, it was cool, but I liked the special effects. Spider-Man is a fan favorite! Tom Holland is British. I didn't like it when Iron Man died because he was my favorite, besides the British man, haha funni british man. My favorite character was Aqua Man for sure. I liked it when he talked to those funny fish and was in charge. My least favorite character was Claude, the villain. ok",
"likes": 0,
"date": "July 02, 2021",
"iso_date": "2021-07-02T00:56:51Z"
"similar_results": [
"title": "More about Superheros",
"see_more_link": "",
"see_more_token": "CkbiDkMKEQoLZVBwSkRLZlJBeU0QBhgEEgsvbS8wMTI2YjhrdhoIL20vMGJ0bWIqFU1vcmUgYWJvdXQgU3VwZXJoZXJvc0AK:S:ANO1ljIlMpw",
"serpapi_link": "",
"items": [
"title": "Spider-Man: No Way Home",
"link": "",
"product_id": "maWIDS2N4Lk.P",
"serpapi_link": "",
"rating": 4.7,
"extension": [
"Action & adventure"
"price": "$19.99",
"extracted_price": 19.99,
"thumbnail": ""
"title": "Morbius",
"link": "",
"product_id": "HFn7J3fRqS4.P",
"serpapi_link": "",
"rating": 3.8,
"extension": [
"Action & adventure"
"price": "$19.99",
"extracted_price": 19.99,
"thumbnail": ""
"title": "The Batman",
"link": "",
"product_id": "raGhyHR3YvY.P",
"serpapi_link": "",
"rating": 3.9,
"extension": [
"Action & adventure"
"price": "$19.99",
"extracted_price": 19.99,
"thumbnail": ""
"title": "More with Chris Hemsworth",
"see_more_link": "",
"see_more_token": "CkviDkgKEQoLZVBwSkRLZlJBeU0QBhgEEgsvbS8wMTI2YjhrdhoJL20vMDRqbnFqKhlNb3JlIHdpdGggQ2hyaXMgSGVtc3dvcnRoQAA%3D:S:ANO1ljLQ7-w",
"serpapi_link": "",
"items": [
"title": "Men in Black: International",
"link": "",
"product_id": "VWU_tmdxa_g",
"serpapi_link": "",
"rating": 3.4,
"extension": [
"Action & adventure"
"price": "$13.99",
"extracted_price": 13.99,
"thumbnail": ""
"title": "Huntsman, The: Winter's War",
"link": "",
"product_id": "fVks0qKZuJg",
"serpapi_link": "",
"rating": 4,
"extension": [
"Action & adventure"
"price": "$14.99",
"extracted_price": 14.99,
"thumbnail": ""
"title": "Rush",
"link": "",
"product_id": "Vt0ePKRWU4A",
"serpapi_link": "",
"rating": 4.5,
"extension": [
"Action & adventure"
"price": "$14.99",
"extracted_price": 14.99,
"thumbnail": ""
"serpapi_pagination": {
"next": "",
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