Ebay Inline Results API
Ebay search results that are between the main results (usually in carousel form) are called inline results. It includes rich data like title
, condition
, price
, thumbnail
and other attributes. SerpApi is able to scrape, extract, and make sense of those results.
API Examples
Example results: Nintendo Switch

"inline_results": [
"title": "eBay Refurbished",
"subtitle": "Inspected and tested by quality-vetted businesses. Allstate warranty included.",
"link": "https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=Nintendo+switch&LH_ItemCondition=2000%7C2010%7C2020%7C2030",
"items": [
"sponsored": true,
"title": "Nintendo Switch (Red & Blue Joy-Con) & accessories *INCLUDES FREE CARRYING CASE*",
"link": "https://www.ebay.com/itm/325389825450?epid=16029037217&hash=item4bc2beb5aa:g:S3wAAOSwvsth4Jrv",
"condition": "Very Good - Refurbished",
"price": {
"raw": "$259.99",
"extracted": 259.99
"shipping": "Free shipping",
"extensions": [
"eBay Refurbished"
"thumbnail": "https://i.ebayimg.com/thumbs/images/g/S3wAAOSwvsth4Jrv/s-l225.jpg"
"sponsored": true,
"title": "Nintendo Switch - 32GB Gray Console (with Gray Joy-Con) Very Good Condition",
"link": "https://www.ebay.com/itm/192389921367?epid=16024806629&hash=item2ccb553a57:g:3xsAAOSwdJ9aKUXx",
"condition": "Very Good - Refurbished",
"price": {
"raw": "$247.49",
"extracted": 247.49
"shipping": "Free shipping",
"extensions": [
"eBay Refurbished"
"thumbnail": "https://i.ebayimg.com/thumbs/images/g/3xsAAOSwdJ9aKUXx/s-l225.jpg"
Example results: Nintendo Switch
results that shows Trending auctions

"inline_results": [
"title": "Trending auctions",
"items": [
"sponsored": true,
"title": "Nintendo Switch OLED Console BUNDLE W/ 4 Games and Case",
"link": "https://www.ebay.com/itm/314508268508?hash=item493a2753dc:g:SLMAAOSwlRJkElER",
"condition": "Pre-Owned",
"price": {
"raw": "$271.00",
"extracted": 271.0
"bids": {
"count": 10
"thumbnail": "https://i.ebayimg.com/thumbs/images/g/SLMAAOSwlRJkElER/s-l225.jpg"
"sponsored": true,
"title": "nintendo switch console with bundle with games",
"link": "https://www.ebay.com/itm/185852365503?hash=item2b45aa0abf:g:bCgAAOSwp5VkNfX4",
"condition": "Pre-Owned",
"price": {
"raw": "$152.50",
"extracted": 152.5
"bids": {
"count": 9
"thumbnail": "https://i.ebayimg.com/thumbs/images/g/bCgAAOSwp5VkNfX4/s-l225.jpg"