Bing Shopping API
Our Bing Shopping API allows you to scrape SERP results from Bing Shopping. The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?engine=bing_shopping
. A user may query the following:
utilizing a GET request. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.
API Parameters
Geographic Location
The market where the results come from (e.g. en-US
). Typically, mkt is the country where the user is making the request from. However, it could be a different country if the user is not located in a country where Bing Shopping API delivers results. The market must be in the form <language code>-<country code>. For example, en-US. The string is case insensitive. For a list of possible market values, see Market Codes.
NOTE: If known, you are encouraged to always specify the market. Specifying the market helps Bing route the request and return an appropriate and optimal response. If you specify a market that is not listed in Market Codes, Bing Shopping API uses a best fit market code based on an internal mapping that is subject to change.
This parameter and the cc query parameter are mutually exclusive—do not specify both.
Parameter defines the country to search from. It follows the 2-character ISO_3166-1 format. (e.g., us
for United States, de
for Germany, gb
for United Kingdom, etc.).
Advanced Filters
Parameter allows usage of a more complex filtering options such as filtering by date range ex1:"ez5_18169_18230"
or using a specific display filters such as ufn:"Wunderman+Thompson"+sid:"5bede9a2-1bda-9887-e6eb-30b1b8b6b513"+catguid:"5bede9a2-1bda-9887-e6eb-30b1b8b6b513_cfb02057"+segment:"generic.carousel"+entitysegment:"Organization"
. Exact values can be constructed by using Bing search and copying filters
query parameter.
Serpapi Parameters
Parameter defines the device to use to get the results. It can be set to desktop
(default) to use a regular browser, tablet
to use a tablet browser (currently using iPads), or mobile
to use a mobile browser (currently using iPhones).
Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the Bing Shopping results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false
(default) to allow results from the cache, or true
to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.
Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false
(default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true
to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together. async should not be used on accounts with Ludicrous Speed enabled.
Enterprise only. Parameter enables ZeroTrace mode. It can be set to false
(default) or true
. Enable this mode to skip storing search parameters, search files, and search metadata on our servers. This may make debugging more difficult.
API Results
JSON Results
JSON output includes structured data for Shopping Results.
A search status is accessible through search_metadata.status
. It flows this way: Processing
-> Success
|| Error
. If a search has failed, error
will contain an error message.
is the search ID inside SerpApi.
HTML Results
HTML output is useful to debug JSON results or support features not supported yet by SerpApi.
HTML output gives you the raw HTML results from Bing Shopping.
API Examples
Example results for q: jacket

"search_metadata": {
"id": "66f97573a54d75222ff0d40d",
"status": "Success",
"json_endpoint": "",
"created_at": "2024-09-29 15:42:43 UTC",
"processed_at": "2024-09-29 15:42:44 UTC",
"bing_shopping_url": "",
"raw_html_file": "",
"total_time_taken": 2.02
"search_parameters": {
"engine": "bing_shopping",
"q": "jacket",
"device": "desktop"
"shopping_results": [
"link": "!&&p=bf4baaa5a030c160JmltdHM9MTcyMjU1NjgwMCZpZ3VpZD0xYTk5ZGU1NC0xYTk0LTY2N2EtMGYwNC1jYTliMWI2NTY3ODEmaW5zaWQ9NTM1NQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1a99de54-1a94-667a-0f04-ca9b1b656781&u=a1L3Nob3AvcHJvZHVjdHBhZ2U_cT1qYWNrZXQmZmlsdGVycz1zY2VuYXJpbyUzYSUyMjE3JTIyK2dUeXBlJTNhJTIyMTIlMjIrZ0lkJTNhJTIyMTU1NzU1Nzc0NDUzJTIyK2dJZEhhc2glM2ElMjIwJTIyK2dHbG9iYWxPZmZlcklkcyUzYSUyMjE1NTc1NTc3NDQ1MyUyMitBdWNDb250ZXh0R3VpZCUzYSUyMjAlMjIrR3JvdXBFbnRpdHlJZCUzYSUyMjE1NTc1NTc3NDQ1MyUyMitOb25TcG9uc29yZWRPZmZlciUzYSUyMlRydWUlMjImcHJvZHVjdHBhZ2U9dHJ1ZSZGT1JNPVNIUFBEUCZicm93c2U9dHJ1ZQ&ntb=1",
"title": "Women's Packable Puffer Jacket - Blue - Medium - The Vermont Country Store",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Vermont Country Store",
"price": "$99.95",
"extracted_price": 99.95,
"rating": 4.5,
"reviews": "3",
"free_shipping": true,
"special_offer": "Free Shipping on Orders $75+",
"external_link": ""
"link": "!&&p=ae764520149a27daJmltdHM9MTcyMjU1NjgwMCZpZ3VpZD0xYTk5ZGU1NC0xYTk0LTY2N2EtMGYwNC1jYTliMWI2NTY3ODEmaW5zaWQ9NTYwNA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1a99de54-1a94-667a-0f04-ca9b1b656781&u=a1L3Nob3AvcHJvZHVjdHBhZ2U_cT1qYWNrZXQmZmlsdGVycz1zY2VuYXJpbyUzYSUyMjE3JTIyK2dUeXBlJTNhJTIyMTIlMjIrZ0lkJTNhJTIyMTk5MzY2ODI3NTYxJTIyK2dJZEhhc2glM2ElMjIwJTIyK2dHbG9iYWxPZmZlcklkcyUzYSUyMjE5OTM2NjgyNzU2MSUyMitBdWNDb250ZXh0R3VpZCUzYSUyMjAlMjIrR3JvdXBFbnRpdHlJZCUzYSUyMjE5OTM2NjgyNzU2MSUyMitOb25TcG9uc29yZWRPZmZlciUzYSUyMlRydWUlMjImcHJvZHVjdHBhZ2U9dHJ1ZSZGT1JNPVNIUFBEUCZicm93c2U9dHJ1ZQ&ntb=1",
"title": "Ralph Lauren Bi-Swing Jacket - Size M In Cooper Brown",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Ralph Lauren",
"price": "$168.00",
"extracted_price": 168.0,
"external_link": ""
"link": "!&&p=67180cbeb7094bffJmltdHM9MTcyMjU1NjgwMCZpZ3VpZD0xYTk5ZGU1NC0xYTk0LTY2N2EtMGYwNC1jYTliMWI2NTY3ODEmaW5zaWQ9NTYxMg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1a99de54-1a94-667a-0f04-ca9b1b656781&u=a1L3Nob3AvcHJvZHVjdHBhZ2U_cT1qYWNrZXQmZmlsdGVycz1zY2VuYXJpbyUzYSUyMjE3JTIyK2dUeXBlJTNhJTIyMTIlMjIrZ0lkJTNhJTIyMTU1NzU1Nzc0NDQ2JTIyK2dJZEhhc2glM2ElMjIwJTIyK2dHbG9iYWxPZmZlcklkcyUzYSUyMjE1NTc1NTc3NDQ0NiUyMitBdWNDb250ZXh0R3VpZCUzYSUyMjAlMjIrR3JvdXBFbnRpdHlJZCUzYSUyMjE1NTc1NTc3NDQ0NiUyMitOb25TcG9uc29yZWRPZmZlciUzYSUyMlRydWUlMjImcHJvZHVjdHBhZ2U9dHJ1ZSZGT1JNPVNIUFBEUCZicm93c2U9dHJ1ZQ&ntb=1",
"title": "Men's Packable Puffer Jacket - Blue - Large - The Vermont Country Store",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Vermont Country Store",
"price": "$99.95",
"extracted_price": 99.95,
"free_shipping": true,
"special_offer": "Free Shipping on Orders $75+",
"external_link": ""
"filters": [
"type": "Show Only",
"options": [
"text": "Available nearby",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": ""
"type": "Department",
"options": [
"text": "Women",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": ""
"text": "Men",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": ""
"ads_results": [
"title": "Deals on jacket |® Official Site",
"link": "",
"displayed_link": "",
"extensions": [
"Site visitors: Over 1M in the past month"
"title": "Men's Jackets at JCPenney® | Extra 30% Off Coupon Ends Soon",
"link": "",
"displayed_link": "",
"snippet": "Save on Top Brands · Free Same Day Pickup · Save With Coupons",
"extensions": [
"Site visitors: Over 1M in the past month"
"sitelinks": [
"title": "Men's Clothing",
"link": ""
"title": "Up to 80% Off Clearance",
"link": ""
"inline_ads_results": [
"link": "",
"external_link": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"price": "$79.99",
"extracted_price": 79.99,
"old_price": "$139.95",
"extracted_old_price": 139.95,
"title": "The North Face Alta Vista Jacket Men's 2023 - Medium Green",
"seller": "evo",
"free_shipping": true,
"block_position": "top"
"link": "",
"external_link": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"price": "$109.99",
"extracted_price": 109.99,
"old_price": "$139.95",
"extracted_old_price": 139.95,
"title": "The North Face Alta Vista Jacket Men's 2024 - 2X-Large Black",
"seller": "evo",
"rating": 5,
"reviews": "1",
"block_position": "top"
"pagination": {
"current": 1,
"next": "",
"other_pages": {
"2": "",
"3": "",
"4": "",
"5": ""
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"current": 1,
"next_link": "",
"next": "",
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"2": "",
"3": "",
"4": "",
"5": ""
"related_searches": [
"text": "Carhartt Jackets",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"highlighted_words": [
Example results for q: jacket
with filter

"search_metadata": {
"id": "66ffd602a54d75963e42cda7",
"status": "Success",
"json_endpoint": "",
"created_at": "2024-10-04 11:48:18 UTC",
"processed_at": "2024-10-04 11:48:18 UTC",
"bing_shopping_url": "",
"raw_html_file": "",
"total_time_taken": 1.92
"search_parameters": {
"engine": "bing_shopping",
"q": "jacket",
"filters": "gsfilter%3A%22Mjk2MTA2MTUxNSxCYXNpYywwPTIzMzAyOTQxNDEsRnwxNDY5Njg5ODQzLFR8MjIzODY4NjA2NixGfDQwNTQwMDc1MDIsRnwyMjI5OTY3NTczLEZ8Ow%3D%3D%22+scenario%3A%2215%22",
"device": "desktop"
"shopping_results": [
"link": "!&&p=37e725aa84500997JmltdHM9MTcyODAwMDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zYjAyMzFjYS04MWQzLTZmMTktMjZjMy0yNGM0ODBhYzZlOGYmaW5zaWQ9NTM2Nw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3b0231ca-81d3-6f19-26c3-24c480ac6e8f&u=a1L3Nob3AvcHJvZHVjdHBhZ2U_cT1qYWNrZXQmZmlsdGVycz1zY2VuYXJpbyUzYSUyMjE3JTIyK2dUeXBlJTNhJTIyMTIlMjIrZ0lkJTNhJTIyMTg3MzY4ODQ5NTE4JTIyK2dJZEhhc2glM2ElMjIwJTIyK2dHbG9iYWxPZmZlcklkcyUzYSUyMjE4NzM2ODg0OTUxOCUyMitBdWNDb250ZXh0R3VpZCUzYSUyMjAlMjIrR3JvdXBFbnRpdHlJZCUzYSUyMjE4NzM2ODg0OTUxOCUyMitOb25TcG9uc29yZWRPZmZlciUzYSUyMlRydWUlMjImcHJvZHVjdHBhZ2U9dHJ1ZSZGT1JNPVNIUFBEUCZicm93c2U9dHJ1ZQ&ntb=1",
"title": "Men's Green Mountain Fleece-Lined Jacket - Navy - Medium - The Vermont Country Store",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Vermont Country Store",
"price": "$79.95",
"extracted_price": 79.95,
"rating": 5,
"reviews": "2",
"free_shipping": true,
"external_link": ""
"link": "!&&p=931145ca63b3fc7dJmltdHM9MTcyODAwMDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zYjAyMzFjYS04MWQzLTZmMTktMjZjMy0yNGM0ODBhYzZlOGYmaW5zaWQ9NTU3MQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3b0231ca-81d3-6f19-26c3-24c480ac6e8f&u=a1L3Nob3AvcHJvZHVjdHBhZ2U_cT1qYWNrZXQmZmlsdGVycz1zY2VuYXJpbyUzYSUyMjE3JTIyK2dUeXBlJTNhJTIyMTIlMjIrZ0lkJTNhJTIyMTU1NzU1Nzc0NDQ4JTIyK2dJZEhhc2glM2ElMjIwJTIyK2dHbG9iYWxPZmZlcklkcyUzYSUyMjE1NTc1NTc3NDQ0OCUyMitBdWNDb250ZXh0R3VpZCUzYSUyMjAlMjIrR3JvdXBFbnRpdHlJZCUzYSUyMjE1NTc1NTc3NDQ0OCUyMitOb25TcG9uc29yZWRPZmZlciUzYSUyMlRydWUlMjImcHJvZHVjdHBhZ2U9dHJ1ZSZGT1JNPVNIUFBEUCZicm93c2U9dHJ1ZQ&ntb=1",
"title": "Men's Packable Puffer Jacket - Blue - Small - The Vermont Country Store",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Vermont Country Store",
"price": "$99.95",
"extracted_price": 99.95,
"free_shipping": true,
"external_link": ""
"filters": [
"type": "Show Only",
"options": [
"text": "Available nearby",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": ""
"type": "Department",
"options": [
"text": "Women",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": ""
"text": "Men",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": ""
"text": "Unisex",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": ""
Example results for q: iphone

"shopping_results": [
"link": "",
"title": "Apple - iPhone 13 5G 128GB (Unlocked) - Midnight",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Best Buy",
"sale": true,
"price": "$579.99",
"extracted_price": 579.99,
"old_price": "$629.99",
"extracted_old_price": 629.99,
"rating": 5,
"reviews": "60",
"external_link": ""
"link": "",
"title": "Apple iPhone 14 512GB - (PRODUCT) Red",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Best Buy Canada",
"price": "$1,449.99",
"external_link": ""
Example results for q: coffee

"shopping_results": [
"link": "",
"title": "Amazon Fresh, Colombia Ground Coffee, Medium Roast, 32 Oz",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "",
"price": "$18.82",
"extracted_price": 18.82,
"rating": 4.5,
"reviews": "344",
"external_link": ""
"link": "",
"title": "Classic Roast Ground Coffee",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Bed Bath & Beyond",
"price": "$113.49",
"extracted_price": 113.49,
"external_link": ""
"link": "",
"title": "Folgers Classic Roast Ground Coffee, Medium - 25.9 Oz - 1 Each",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Office Depot",
"price": "$22.99",
"extracted_price": 22.99,
"rating": 3.5,
"reviews": "56",
"top_pick": true,
"external_link": ""
Example results for q: switch

"inline_ads_results": [
"link": "",
"title": "Nintendo Switch W/ Neon Blue & Neon Red Joy-Con",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Walmart",
"price": "$299.00",
"extracted_price": 299.0,
"rating": 4.5,
"reviews": "108",
"free_shipping": true,
"popular": true,
"external_link": ""
"link": "",
"title": "Nintendo Switch Console Version 2 With Gray Joy Con",
"thumbnails": [
"seller": "Ted Electronics",
"sale": true,
"price": "$245.99",
"extracted_price": 245.99,
"old_price": "$290.99",
"extracted_old_price": 290.99,
"free_shipping": true,
"external_link": ""
JSON structure overview
"shopping_results": [
"title": "String - Title of the item result",
"link": "String - URL to the item",
"thumbnails": "Array - List of URLs to the item thumbnails",
"seller": "String - Seller's name of the item",
"price": "String - Item price (Ex : '$14.99')",
"extracted_price": "Numeric - Item price as a float or integer (Ex: '14.99')".,
"old_price": "String - Item's price before discount (Ex: '$15.99')",
"extracted_old_price": "Numeric - Item's old price as float or integer (Ex: '15.99')",
"sale": "Boolean - Is the item on sale",
"price_drop": "String - The percentage of the price drop",
"installments": {
"price": "String - Displayed price, e.g. $0",
"text": "String - Instalment text, e.g. now",
"installments": "String - Instalment price to the item, e.g. $41.67/mo",
"duration": "String - Instalment duration in months, e.g. 24",
"rating": "Float - Rating of the item",
"reviews": "String - Number of reviews of the item",
"price_history_link": "String - Link to the price history",
"compare_sellers_link": "String - Link to comparing sellers",
"free_shipping": "Boolean - Is the item shipping for free",
"top_pick": "Boolean - Is the item on top pick",
"popular": "Boolean - Is the item popular",
"great_deal": "Boolean - Is the item on great deal",
"special_offer": "String - The content of item's special offer",
"ethical_choice": "String - The 'Good On You' rating for the item's brand",
"external_link": "String - External product link"
"filters": [
"type": "String - Type of the filter",
"options": [
"text": "String - Name of the filter",
"link": "String - Link to the filter results in Bing Shopping",
"serpapi_link": "String - Link to the Bing Shopping results of the filter in JSON format by SerpApi",
"inline_ads_results": [
"title": "String - Title of the item result",
"link": "String - URL to the item",
"external_link": "String - External product link",
"thumbnail": "String - URL to the item's thumbnail",
"seller": "String - Seller's name of the item",
"price": "String - Item price (Ex : '$14.99')",
"extracted_price": "Numeric - Item price as a float or integer (Ex: '14.99')".,
"old_price": "String - Item's price before discount (Ex: '$15.99')",
"extracted_old_price": "Numeric - Item's old price as float or integer (Ex: '15.99')",
"block_position": "String - Position of the item on the page, one of 'top', 'middle' and 'bottom'",
"unit_price": "String - The unit price to the item",
"installments": {
"price": "String - Displayed price, e.g. $0",
"text": "String - Instalment text, e.g. now",
"installments": "String - Instalment price to the item, e.g. $41.67/mo",
"duration": "String - Instalment duration in months, e.g. 24",
"rating": "Float - Rating of the item",
"reviews": "String - Number of reviews of the item",
"free_shipping": "Boolean - Is the item shipping for free",
"tag": {
"top": "String - The tag to the item on the top",
"bottom": "String - The tag to the item on the bottom",
"ads_results": [
"title": "String - Title of the item result",
"link": "String - URL to the item",
"displayed_link": "String - Displayed link to the item",
"price": "String - Price to the item",
"snippet": "String - Snippet to the item",
"extensions": "Array - List of extensions to the item result",
"sitelinks": [
"title": "Title to the sitelink",
"link": "URL to the sitelink",