Google Local Discover More Places API
The Google Local Discover More Places API allows a user to scrape the results of Google Local search. SerpApi is able to make sense of this information and extract title
, link
, places
, images
, and more.
JSON structure overview
"discover_more_places": [
"title": "String - Search query",
"link": "String - URL to the Google Local search",
"serpapi_link": "String - URL to the SerpApi search",
"places": "String - List of places",
"thumbnail": "String - URL to the image thumbnail",
"images": [
"String - URL to the image",
Results for: Coffee

"discover_more_places": [
"title": "Best coffee",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"places": "Notes Coffee Roasters & Bar | Trafalgar Square, The Espresso Room",
"images": [
"<URL to image>",
"title": "Coffee shops",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"places": "Caffè Nero, Coffee Island",
"images": [
"<URL to image>",