Yahoo! Top Stories API
For some searches, Yahoo search results include a top stories block. SerpApi is able to scrape, extract, and make sense of this information.
API Examples
JSON structure overview
"top_stories": [
"link": "String - Link to the news",
"thumbnail": "String - URL to the new thumbnail",
"title": "String - Title of the news",
"snippet": "String - Snippet of the news",
"source": "String - The name of the source",
"date": "String - Date of the news"
"top_stories_link": "String - Link to the 'View all' button",
Results for: apple

"top_stories": [
"link": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"title": "Apple just launched a savings account paying 4.15%. These 5 savings accounts pay even more.",
"snippet": "Experts agree that Apple’s latest offering is rather enticing — but for the right person. “Apple’s new Apple Card savings account offers ...",
"source": "Market Watch",
"date": "3 hours ago"
"link": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"title": "Apple's New High-Yield Savings Account Offers a Competitive Rate",
"source": "CNET",
"date": "21 hours ago"
"link": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"title": "Apple launches Apple Card’s savings accounts with 4.15% interest rate",
"source": "TechCrunch",
"date": "22 hours ago"
"link": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"title": "Analysts positive on Apple ahead of earnings release By",
"source": "",
"date": "38 minutes ago"
"top_stories_link": ";_ylt=Awr98VLk5D9ka24dY1RXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?p=apple&fr=fp-tts&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Aw%2Cm%3Anewsdd_tnn_m%2Cct%3Anuwa"